MdD Residency – May, 2014: Aletta de Jong & Jason Coburn

For the month of May in 2014, the MdD hosted Aletta de Jong (website) and Jason Coburn (website) as Artists in Residence.

Aletta de Jong is using the AiR to research the idea of landscape as the current and potential interaction between people and their environment. This is done by looking at agriculture, raw materials and mineral resources upon which man is physically, socially, and economically dependent.

Jason Coburn is working on a project about Hallucination, in development for some time but now receiving focused concentration to start bringing the various strands of reading together.  Aletta de Jong will be working on small interventions—hopefully one for the city of Viseu—plus other new works.


Jason and Aletta


* Jason Coburn’s residency has been made possible with an O+O subsidy from the CBK Rotterdam.